- Did you know? Our 2019 Owl-iday Special is itself a rhyming reboot of our original 2017 Owl-iday Special.
- We're not just phoning this in—there are 12 days of fresh content, we promise!

- Did you know? BIXI chose our Behold package and soon found the confidence to kick off asset tracking initiatives themselves using RAIN RFID technologies.

- Did you know? Entergy maximises the utility of their existing Aruba AP infrastructure, using it to log environmental sensor data via our Pareto Anywhere middleware. ( News article)
- Wood you like more beaver puns? Read our /beaver's story.

- Did you know? We developed Pareto Anywhere for Azure in collaboration with HPE Aruba Networking and Microsoft. ( Press release)

- Did you know? We developed a prototype for Avatek, with our middleware running on the CS463 reader.

- Did you know? We're integrating Sensor-Works' BluVib line of sensors with our open source middleware.

- Did you know? reelyActive is based in Canada where northern communities—like our fictional polar workshop—are indeed disproportionally affected by climate change.

- Did you know? We collaborated with Entergy to develop a /nicla-vision-gauge-reader using open source technologies.

- Did you know? Our /chimps module includes a simple, lightweight positioning engine which users can replace with their own.

- Did you know? We adopted DTPR to inform occupants of physical spaces where these web apps are displayed of the following: what data is collected, with what intent, by whom and how it is stored (if at all).

- Did you know? The LIVENESS Research Group and our officemates GénieLab have both used our /audible-proximity code to create location-based audio experiences.

- Did you know? Immerse Studio's Memory Palace uses our open source middleware for the real-time location component of their interactive art experience.